Auto sketch book
Auto sketch book

auto sketch book

Tape-bound sketchbooks have a nice, square spine, but this type of binding is not as durable as perfect-bound books.

auto sketch book

The best spiral bound books are finished with the wire ends crimped inside the coil to avoid catching on other items. A spiral binding adds bulk, however, and can snag when pulling out of a bag. Pages can be turned completely around the back, making this type of book compact and easy to hold in one hand. Spiral-bound sketchbooks allow for working all the way to the spine. Perfect-bound books also restrict working into the spine, and can be a little clumsy to hold when opened. A sturdy perfect-bound sketchbook (traditional square binding like a standard hardbound book) is long lasting and looks great on a shelf, but this type can be bulky for transport. Binding and Cover: The type of binding on a sketchbook can affect durability, portability and appearance.

Auto sketch book